Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin.
Level 1-4* (Note that an asterisk * indicates that there is a worksheet on this lesson) Level 5-8: Madam How and Lady Why, Kingsley (partial) Level 1-4: The First Book of Water, Norling Paddle to the Sea, Holling (partial) I also include links to Answers in Genesis and 4th Day Alliance. I bring this up with the students and make notes in the curriculum about it as it comes up. Note: As always, this course supports a literal interpretation of the Bible (that the Earth was created in six days). They will study objects in space and learn the history of space exploration. Students will learn about the atmosphere and explore space.
They will dive into the ocean and discover what’s hidden in its depths. Students will follow and learn about the numerous types of bodies of water in our world. They will learn about the types and causes of weather, as well as how to predict the weather.
They will study rocks and the makeup of the earth. Their study of the Earth will include learning the rock and water cycles. Students will also learn through text, video and online interactives. Course Description: This course in earth science will engage students with experiments and projects.